
The research, done in 2005, encompassed 8962 male and female students from all the Syrian governorates and concluded that 17.07 per cent of them are subject to violence of a kind. Females are more vulnerable to violence than males, countryside students are more vulnerable than students in urban areas. While unemployed mothers tend to use violence with their children more than working mothers.

The research underlined that there is a link between the violence and the educational level of the parents. The more educated the parents are, the less use of violence and the less harshness as well.
The research said that 30.37 per cent of students surveyed were being subject to harsh violence by their teachers.

The research mentioned some recommendations in regard to the ways that must be pursued to raise awareness about the risks of using violence by both parents and teachers.

By Dr. Moutaa Barakat , (Research about the Situation of School Students within the Syrian Governorates )
Translated by Basel Jbaily

SWO (12/2006)
